School Community

Parents and Friends (P&F)

The P& F Association is a vital part of the school and works in partnership with the Principal and staff to help the school achieve its annual goals, and in building strong community support for the school amongst parents.

The St Patrick’s P&F is made up of a group of parents that have volunteered their time to help provide parental support to the school community and our students.

Our aim is:

  • to work in collaboration with the school, families, parish and the broader community
  • to help grow and strengthen partnerships within our community
  • to help achieve positive outcomes for our children’s development and learning


As a part of our objective to encourage the development of St Patrick’s Primary School Asquith as a vibrant community, many fun social events are planned throughout the year.

Here is a snapshot:

  • Welcome BBQ
  • Mother’s and Father’s Day’s breakfast, liturgy, and classroom activities
  • Grandparent’s Day
  • School disco
  • Parent’s social event
  • Easter egg hunt
  • Family movie night
  • Twilight Market
  • Christmas concert

We hope you can all be part of these events – as attendees or volunteers – as they contribute enormously to building a strong sense of school community.  Event dates can be found here: . Reminders also appear in the school newsletter before each event.


The P&F hold 1 general meeting per term to provide an opportunity for the school and parent community to meet to discuss matters of general interest. We invite you to join us. P&F meeting times are also in the online calendar, and published each term in the school newsletter.

If you would like to raise issues at other times, we encourage you to speak to any member of the P&F executive, or you can email your request to

Broken Bay Catholic School Parents (CSP) – formerly the Diocesan Parent Council (DPC)

Alongside our school community events, the P&F regularly attends the Catholic Schools Parents (CSP) meetings, part of the Catholic Schools Office, Diocese of Broken Bay. This enables us to keep up to date with developments in education and Catholic education in particular, exchange ideas on fundraising and other matters with other P&F teams, and have a voice at diocesan level. For more information about the CSP, visit

Parents and Friends Office Bearers 2024

President: Katie Barillaro

Vice president: Maegan Rose

Secretary: Keely Douthwaite

Treasurer: Nick Ward

CSP: David De-Fina

Class Parent Coordinator: Benedicta Hendarto

Canteen Committee: Maegan Rose

Paddy’s Care Group: Cecilia Rossi and Tiphanie Condon

Uniform Shop: Michelle Burrows, Edlyn Lauw and Suzie Watson

Social Committee: Wendy Brown, Rima Melia and Monique Ciampi

If you would like to contact the P&F you can do so by emailing us at

P&F General Meeting Minutes - Term 2 2024